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One-third of global robot production in China and one-third in Shanghai

View: 110001/08/2021  

      Shanghai Xinshida Intelligent Plant, with a total investment of 690 million yuan and an annual output of 10,000 industrial robots, was put into production in Jiading; the third phase of Shanghai Farnaco Intelligent Plant, which is co-operated by the global robot giant Farnaco and Shanghai Electric Co., Ltd... Recently, Shanghai robot industry has been reported frequently.

     Robot is known as the "pearl on the crown of manufacturing industry ", which is an important symbol to measure a country's scientific and technological innovation and high-end manufacturing level. According to the latest data, one third of the global production of robots in China, one third of the production of Chinese robots in Shanghai, the robot industry has become a new business card made in Shanghai.

   In the face of the epidemic


   Last year was an extraordinary year for the robotics industry. "Affected by the decline in the automotive industry, the impact of the new crown epidemic, Shanghai industrial robot output value once faced a decline crisis, but such as Xinshida, Zhongke Xinsong head enterprises actively turn the crisis into an opportunity to achieve a rise against the trend ." Shanghai Economic Information Commission Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Department Director Han Dadong said.

   Faced with the difficulties of face-to-face communication caused by the epidemic situation, Shinda has set up the same application scene as the customer application site in the factory. The technical level, sales, marketing, engineering and R & D team of the international first-line brands have worked together to make major technological breakthroughs. Especially in the robot core technology —— motion control algorithm has made great progress.

   As the epidemic situation was grim last April, the new Stacker robot SP120/2400 beat more than 1000 packs per hour, up 54 percent from the original. During the September Expo, this target exceeded 1200 packs per hour to achieve a parallel run with international first-line brands. Ji Yi, chairman of Xinshida Electric, revealed that in the first three quarters of last year, the company's net profit was about 76.52 million yuan, up 36.64 yuan from the same period last year.


     Zhongke Xinsong, China's largest seven-axis robot manufacturer, focuses on small batches and diversified demand trends. Last year's new GCR5 cooperative robot, with a load of 5 kg, an arm extension of 910 mm, a joint angular speed of 225 degrees per second, and a repeat operation accuracy of up to ±0.03 mm, is the fastest cooperative robot in the industry.

    Yang Jian, president of Zhongke Xinsong, said :" Although foreign demand slowed last year, domestic demand has been released ." Domestic automobile mainframe factory, chip machine flexible production, medical robot operation test and other scenes, became the company's main battlefield last year.

     Domestic manufacturing recovery momentum pull effect has begun to appear. At the beginning of December last year, the Shanghai Farnaco Phase III plant, covering an area of about 431 mu and with a total investment of 1.58 billion yuan, was officially opened in Shanghai, which will be the world's largest robot base outside Japan, with an estimated annual output value of 10 billion yuan. Qian Hui, general manager of Shanghai Farnaco Robotics, said sales of companies in the country reached record highs last year.

    Service Robots for the Golden Decade


     Industrial robots look for opportunities in adversity, and service robots usher in explosive growth. In the medical, commercial, education and people's livelihood and other robotics applications, the emergence of a number of new industries, such as Da Nang, Gao Xian.

    "Order too late to do, demand beyond imagination ." Wang Bing, chairman of Dada Robots, said he has been on the scene almost every day since the outbreak. As the leader of domestic service robot, the outstanding performance of Dazhou robot in the epidemic situation makes it "hot goods ". Under the command of intelligent dispatching of the cloud brain, the robot —— patrol robot, the cleaning and disinfection robot, the transport robot and the temperature measuring robot can improve the operation efficiency of the whole square cabin hospital in real time. In Shanghai, the 5 G cloud cleaning and disinfection robot in Shanghai Children's Hospital can efficiently and independently complete the cleaning and disinfection task in the hospital, reduce the working time of the staff and avoid cross infection.

    At present, the production of intelligent flexible joint SCA and robot production line in Shanghai have entered the mass production stage. Wang Bing said he is now looking forward to the early completion of the Dazhou Intelligent Robot Industry Base in Minhang, with a view to building a world-class intelligent manufacturing base for core robot components.


    The titanium-meter robot born in Pudong is also emerging in the fight against the epidemic. The multi-function disinfection robot has become a "popular style" and orders from hospitals are growing rapidly. Pan Jing, general manager of titanium-meter robots, said that at present, hundreds of titanium-meter, nearly 10 medical robot products have been applied to more than 200 large third-class hospitals in China. Aiming at the "medical robot" in this direction, titanium rice is sprinting to the Ke Chuang board.

    Dai Liu, director of the Shanghai Robotics Industry Association, said that in the development of the robot industry, service robots belong to the later stage, and China's development is almost synchronized with the international development. With the development of Chinese AI technology, the accompanying service robot will usher in the golden growth period of the next ten years.

   Promote the industry chain chain and chain strong chain


    After the rapid growth in previous years, the robot industry has become an important pillar for Shanghai to promote scientific and technological innovation and develop intelligent manufacturing.

    Today, Shanghai industrial robot production accounts for about 1/9 of the global scale, the international robot "four families "—— Fanake, ABB、 Anchuan, Kuka have set up a Chinese headquarters or robot            headquarters, domestic robot leaders Xinshida, Xinsong, HKUST intelligence and so on have expanded the investment layout. At the same time, the small i、 of Dazhou, Gaoxian, titanium rice and a large number of subdivision of the head of the rapid growth, rising to a new generation of industrial forces and technology birthplace.

     Accompanied by an increasingly complete industrial ecology. Fudan University established the Intelligent Robot Research Institute, which is committed to forming a series of intelligent terminals with independent intellectual property rights and a new industrial R & D economic model with robots as intelligent terminals. The Robotics Research Institute of Shanghai University, the Shanghai Institute of Electrical Science, the Shanghai Electric Central Research Institute, the Advanced Robot Laboratory of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, the Medical Robot Research Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Robot Research Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University are also helping to break through the key core technologies of the robot industry in Shanghai.


     In terms of spatial layout, Shanghai robot industry initially formed the "3 X" space layout, "3" refers to Jiading District, Baoshan District, Shanghai Robot Industrial Park and Pudong New Area, "X" refers to the common development of multiple industrial parks. Pudong officially released the robot industry map and "one valley, one garden" plan, Plan to form 3.9 square kilometers and 5.5 square kilometers of robot industry development space in Zhangjiang and Jinqiao, To create a world-class technology innovation center, medical robot highland, discrete intelligent manufacturing characteristic industrial park, Innovative functional service platform cluster, Form cross-border integration and development of ecology. By 2023, To build Pudong into a high-level robot industry with high international influence, The overall industrial scale reached 50 billion yuan.

     For the next development direction of the Shanghai robot industry, the responsible person of the Shanghai Economic Information Commission said that it would accelerate the expansion of robots in various industries and create a demonstration benchmark project for industrial robot applications. Carry out "10030" special project in the whole city, promote the construction of 100 intelligent manufacturing plants and add 10000 robots.

     At the same time, we should speed up the landing and promotion of major industrial projects of service robots, focus on service robot enterprises in the fields of medical, education, security and customer service, strive to cultivate 3 to 5 domestic leaders of service robots, build the industrial highlands of service robots, and support the development of Shanghai's "online new economy ". Reporter Liu Kun

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